Ginny Thonson

Ginny Thonson is a painter born and raised in the rugged North Coast of California. A move to Mexico several years ago has expanded her visual palette in daring new ways.
Her work is unabashedly lush and sensual, daring and playful, and yet with a formal elegance that tells you you’re in good hands. You don’t have to think about Ginny Thonson’s work, you simply experience it and all the layered meanings––the earth mothers, hot mamas, snaky haired sorcerers, set against dreamlike landscapes, take you on a journey. Her work is a throwback to the innocence and open heartedness of folk art, and at the same time, a deep dive into a very sophisticated, contemporary aesthetic. Her subjects come from nature and womanly forms and portraiture, intertwined in ways that bring a startling clarity to our perception of them. The images she conjures often feel troubled and haunted, imbued with a sense of loss and deep sadness, symbolized by repeated motifs of ravens, the moon, the piercing beauty of flowers. Yet beneath it you sense a bright struggling soul, spinning that pain into art––and finding wisdom and empowerment along the way. The journey is just beginning…
Check her out here